Shipping Policy

How much do you charge for delivery?

All orders over 500,000 NGN are Free delivery door-to-door, to your address. 

All orders from 0-499,000 NGN there is a 40,000 NGN charge and your order will be delivered to a Secure Local Collection Point in your State. A customer service agent will contact you to arrange for you to collect. 


Delivery Time:

7-10 days. The flight to Nigeria leaves the UK every Thursday and delivery time is calculated from THAT day. 

Can I have my goods delivered?

Yes, we will deliver to your chosen address if you spend over 500,000 NGN

For all orders below 500,000 NGN, it will be delivered to a local collection point 


Will you deliver my materials exactly where I need them?

We take the security of the orders VERY seriously and all deliveries completely secure. 

For orders above 500,000 NGN it will be delivered to the address provided and only handed over to the named person on the order

For order below 500,000 NGN, you order will be sent to our secure location in your state, you will be contacted to arrange a collection. 

Please provide TWO phone numbers on your order page so that the courier can be sure to reach you on the delivery day. 

All orders will ONLY be delivered to the named person on the order.

Orders will NOT be left outside or by front door.

Orders will only be delivered upon the named person signing and accepting the delivery. 

If you have any queries, Please contact with phone, email or form.

We will reply within 24 hours.

Phone: +442072479222